Friday, September 29, 2017

Poetry Resources

Poetry Resources

Poem-a-Day Series
Previously unpublished poems by today’s talented poets during the weekday and classic poems on weekends, delivered daily.

Teach This Poem
A weekly poem for K-12 students, accompanied by related interdisciplinary resources and classroom activities.

Academy of American Poets Newsletter
News about our programs and poetry in the United States, delivered twice a month.

Academy of American Poets Educator Newsletter
Lesson plans and other resources about teaching poetry, delivered monthly.

The Twin Poets Visit CHHS

The Twin Poets 
from their website...
Not many who have witnessed a performance or have read a poem by the Twin Poets, Al Mills and Nnamdi Chukwuocha would deny that they have seen or felt the power. Their compassion and commitment for their work is stated simply in their mission statement: To awaken the revolutionary spirits buried deep within the souls of an oppressed people. For the past decade and a half these two Philadelphia-based wordsmiths have been warriors on the frontline for our community. Their goal is to teach children about the importance of self-expression as well as writing down their thoughts to help themselves and others who have the same struggles and challenges.
Inspired at an early age to write and express themselves through verse, Al & Nnamdi have become two of the most recognizable and respected poets on the modern poetry scene. The Twin Poets have won many awards and grants for not only their written and spoken word, but also for their involvement in their community.

"I'm Overwhelmed" from the Cape Literacy Newsletter for October

This is what I hear whispered in the halls of the schools everywhere and not just in Cape Henlopen. September and the start of a new year has that effect on so many teachers and staff. I like to implement the 3 P's when I feel underwater: prioritize, pace, practice.

  • Prioritize your tasks - how important is it to have every little thing done? What's essential for you to provide solid instruction and keep the momentum going forward? In my world, September was made for building relationships with my students and colleagues. That will ultimately go a long way in the future toward common goals.
  • Pace - in ELA we have pacing guides that help us stay on track. So I don't have to do everything at once, just these few things a week at a time. If something unforeseen happens, then rewrite the plan and take it easy...on yourself!
  • Practice - extreme self care, the art of acceptance and let go of perfection. Patience is a virtue to be embraced by all teachers. It's about the long game, reaching students where they are and giving them our acceptance in abundance.
Hoping you can gather and tell stories about your classrooms, your students and your work. Laugh, lament, and share your lives as teachers who do make a difference in the lives of so many.

Monday, September 18, 2017

Schoology Courses for Enlightened Learning

Here are some of the courses that I have designed around CHAT themes and to help with professional learning for teachers and staff. They are available on Schoology, just email me for instructions.
Diane Albanese

  • Non-Fiction Reading in the Disciplines
  • Vital Vocabulary - research and skills to use with students
  • Teachers Tools - includes Kick Start Guides to hot topics and Speaking and Listening workshop
  • Cape Reads - a forum for staff members to discuss what we're reading


Monday, September 11, 2017


by Charlotte Parsons

You passed me on the street
I rode the subway with you
You lived down the hall from me
I admired your dog in the park one morning
We waited in line for a concert
I ate with you in the cafes
You stood next to me at the bar
We huddled under an awning during a downpour
We dashed across the street to beat the light
I bumped into you coming round the corner
You stepped on my foot
I held the door for you
You helped me up when I slipped on the ice
I grabbed the last Sunday Times
You stole my cab
We waited forever at the bus stop
We sweated in steamy August
We hunched our shoulders against the sleet
We laughed at the movies
We groaned after the election
We sang in church
I lit a candle for you
All of you

From The Writer's Almanac

Scenarios for Opening Schools

This is the most well thought out article that I have read about possible scenarios for opening schools.  Jennifer Gonzalez - Cult of P...