Monday, October 14, 2019

Cape Henlopen Schools has worked to bring these concepts to the staff through inservice and conversations.

HRC Foundation’s Welcoming Schools is the nation's premier professional development program providing training and resources to elementary school educators to welcome diverse families, create LGBTQ and gender-inclusive schools, prevent bias-based bullying and support transgender and non-binary students.

Tuesday, October 1, 2019

Learning to Read Controversy

What's Wrong with How Schools Teach Reading?

An old method for teaching reading is examined with important implications.

"To be clear, there's nothing wrong with pictures. They're great to look at and talk about, and they can help a child comprehend the meaning of a story. Context — including a picture if there is one — helps us understand what we're reading all the time. But if a child is being taught to use context to identify words, she's being taught to read like a poor reader.
Many educators don't know this because the cognitive science research has not made its way into many schools and schools of education."

Time to End Timed Tests?

Take a look at the Ed Weekly article - an argument for ending timed testing.

Scenarios for Opening Schools

This is the most well thought out article that I have read about possible scenarios for opening schools.  Jennifer Gonzalez - Cult of P...