Wednesday, April 1, 2020

Hands, a Poem in honor of National Poetry Month

Diane Saienni Albanese
April 1, 2020

Hands are for washing
Twenty times a day
Fingers splayed 
Scrub tops with vigor
Isolate thumbs
Poke under nails
Swish with pure water
Twenty times a day

Adapt to this world
Think forward 
To a time when poems
Won’t be just warnings
Of danger or peril
When a poem will serve 
To elevate 
And illuminate

Faith in little rituals
Washing hands now
But preparing 
For hands 
To embrace
Each other again
Handshakes and hugs
Humanity’s salvation

Scenarios for Opening Schools

This is the most well thought out article that I have read about possible scenarios for opening schools.  Jennifer Gonzalez - Cult of P...