Friday, September 14, 2018

How Do Schools Celebrate Student Writing?

I remember Literary Magazines that were published in high schools years ago. They were a  competitive platform and only the best essays, poems and stories were accepted. That was then, this is now?

I have discovered that Literary Magazines are still a thing and that through the National Council Teachers of English NCTE, they are judged with awards for excellence. Young writers are celebrated. Their work gets published, read and sometimes printed and passed around. This is fertile ground for giving students opportunities to write. 

I know that if we take student writing, read it, share it and discuss it we can push forward the idea that it is important and that it should definitely be celebrated. A Literary Magazine is a validation of all of that.

But what about the technology: e-zines, the online magazines that publish teen writing, much of it unfiltered.  Today everyone can be a writer.   Teen and preteens twitter, facebook post and maybe even blog at a high rate. The writing is social, personal and with a purpose - to connect to others. 

What can we do to ride this tide of voluntary writing while still promoting fiction, poetry and prose? More research for me to get more answers.

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