Tuesday, July 23, 2019

DOE Topics of Interest

SY2019-2020 Literacy Cadre Topics 
Expressing Understanding of Text through Writing

The Cadre Member uses the LEA provided curriculum to drive instruction that increases student ability to build knowledge and express understanding of text through writing to meet Delaware Student Standards.  Throughout a unit of instruction, student should build knowledge and understanding necessary to address a writing task, and develop skills necessary to clearly and coherently express understanding through writing.
  • ANALYZE current instruction related to a Tier 1 instructional unit
  • DEVELOP an action plan to continue to develop student writing skills or building background knowledge based on these samples and identified patterns
  • IMPLEMENT the plan you developed
  • EVALUATE the newly collected set of student work
Reading Complex Grade-Level Texts

The Cadre Member uses multiple careful readings of a text from the LEA provided curriculum to make complex grade-level texts accessible to all learners without changing the text.  Teachers need to understand what makes a text complex and how it builds a student’s knowledge throughout the unit of study. In order to determine what each student needs to access the text, the teacher must align scaffolds and supports to ensure that each student has the ability to amake meaning of the text.  By strategically guiding a student’s journey through the text, the teacher ensures each student builds the knowledge necessary for the end-of-unit task.
  • ANALYZE a text that requires multiple reads from a lesson in a Tier 1 instructional unit
  • DEVELOP a plan to facilitate careful reading of the text
  • IMPLEMENT the plan you developed, collecting work samples from 3 students representative of the class
  • EVALUATE the effectiveness of your reading instruction
Expressing Understanding ot Text Through Speaking and Listening

The Cadre Member uses the LEA provided curriculum to drive instruction that increases student ability to build knowledge and express understanding of text though speaking and listening.  Achieving this requires that teachers shift their instruction so student are doing more of the cognitive lift. Students should engage in meaningful academic discourse in which they express the meaning of the text, defend their ideas with evidence from the text, use content-specific vocabulary, and build upon the responses of their peers to further their own and others understanding of the text.
  • ANALYZE how current instruction reflects the shifts in ELA instruction and addresses how the DSS support students in expressing understanding
  • DEVELOP a purposeful plan to implement a Tier 1 instructional lesson
  • IMPLEMENT the lesson
  • EVALUATE the implementation with reflections
Adult Group Learning Facilitation

Facilitating adult group learning requires a strong grasp of content, purposeful planning, and methods to assess the impact of that learning.  Cadre members will incorporate effective learning models, structures, and processes into their plan and delivery of an adult learning session. When adult learners are engaged in experiential learning that links directly to their professional learning needs, instructional practices improve and have a direct impact on student achievement.
  • ANALYZE an upcoming adult group learning session
  • DEVELOP an annotated Facilitation Guide that will guide the successful facilitation of the session
  • IMPLEMENT your adult group learning session
  • EVALUATE the success  with reflections
Coaching Individuals and Teams

Coaching individuals and teams serve different purposes and will impact adult learners in various ways. Cadre Members will incorporate knowledge about adult learning, communication and conversations, managing group dynamics, functional interactions and relationship building to implement effective strategies based on coaching needs. When coaches use differentiated techniques to design and implement coaching sessions,they have the potential to transform individuals, teams and schools  to directly impact student achievement. 
  • ANALYZE examples of different coaching models and approaches 
  • DEVELOP a coaching work plan  
  • IMPLEMENT work plan during  coaching sessions
  • EVALUATE progress towards work plan goals 

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