Tuesday, November 27, 2018

What Do We Do All Day - A Blog

Here's the link to a blog that advocates for unplugging children and doing hands on projects and lots of READING! Erica's blog is full of lists of things to do including lists of seasonal books.

What Do We Do All Day 

Erica writes...
"I believe that simple unplugged learning activities like games and reading aloud will grow your kids into intelligent, curious and connected members of your family.
I promise, it’s not about complicated crafts, or expensive products.
I promise, it’s not about spending every last minute with your child.
I promise, you can do it."
As a working parent, it is a godsend to have easy access to great activities that do not require me to be Martha Stewart or a super-equipped homeschooling parent…I just love that your blog gives my tired brain ideas and energy. – Anon Reader

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